Saturday, 28 April 2012

Hello - back from a wonderful trip, and still sorting and editing photos.

Saw many wonderful plants and creatures whilst we were in Borneo (Saba and Sarawak), and I am posting a few pictures here.

Unfortunately I lost my camera whilst still in Singapore and so lost photos of a beautiful marroon orchid named for Bank I Moon, who was at the Botanical Garden the same day, we were there.

However, my ever indulgent husband bought me another camera and so I was able to record many wonderful sights.
Hello - well we are back from a wonderful trip .  We travelled from Singapore to Borneo (Sabah and Sarawak) and saw some wonderful plants and creatures whilst we were there.

I  will put more on about our trip, as I edit photos and catch up on my notes, but here are a few pictures in the meantime.

Unfortunately I lost my camera the second day we were in Singapore, and so lost photos of a wonderful arrangment of deep marroon orchids named for Banki-i-Moon who was in the Botanical Gardens the same day we were.

Fotunately my ever indulgent husband bought me a new one, so I was able to record a lot of the interesting things we saw and did.